

Home is more than just a place where you live. Home is family. Including articles on décor, cooking, home improvement, politics, handyman projects, lifestyle, and family life our Lifestyle page is the heart of LifeStyle Today.

How to Decorate a Large Wall in Your Living Room

Empty walls are an opportunity, a blessing in disguise. Here are eight decoration ideas for your living Room

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Top 10 Simple Home Improvement Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Any improvements you make to your home make it more appealing and valuable if you decide to sell it down the road, but in the meantime, you get to enjoy them.

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5 Easy, High Energy Breakfast Ideas

With these five simple, customizable breakfast ideas, you’ll be able to either grab and go or heat up a portion in the microwave, and in each meal get a bit of carbs, protein, and healthy fats to get you going and keep you satisfied.

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The Easiest House Plant Ever

Are you a homeowner who loves plants, but has little or no success in caring for them? The Tillandsia might be the perfect house plant for you.

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Tankless Water Heaters: Choosing the Right One

Have you ever dealt with the mess of a ruptured or damaged water heater? It’s the tank that makes the mess. Tankless water heaters are dropping in price, are more efficient, and take less space.

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Eight Resolutions for Your Home

Give your home the same fresh start that you want for yourself. Here are eight ideas to give new life to your home.

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Why You Should Probably Be Sleeping More

In today’s busy and hectic society many see sleep as a luxury rather than what it is – a necessity….

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