
Ketogenic Diet: Sixty Days to a Better Body

By Barbara Williams Posted 4/1/2020 in FITNESS

Why Keto?

According to researchers, the keto eating plan enhances cognitive functioning and minimizes the complications that may result from the following health conditions:

  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer

Defining the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is an eating plan that permits you to get slim and stay slim despite your lifestyle and schedule. While there are many different types of keto diets, a ketogenic diet is a diet that is designed with a large amount of good fats, a moderate amount of protein, and very little carbs.

Because the diet is restricted in carbohydrates, it reprograms the metabolism – causing it to burn the stores of fat in your body for fuel rather than utilizing the glycogen that is stored in the muscles. The low-carb intake that the diet provides also keeps blood sugar levels from spiking.


When this type of diet is embraced, the fat cells start to release fatty acids – acids that are broken down by the liver to produce ketones. This is called ketosis. Ketosis is a type of physiological process that happens when the body breaks down ketones instead of the glucose from carbohydrates for energy.

A Healthy Approach to Staying Slim

As you can see, you still can stay energized, as the fat that is burned is already stored in the body. Nothing is taken from the muscles, which can lead to tiredness and an inefficient burning of fat. A keto diet plan not only will help you burn off excess fat and keep it off, but it has also been shown, through research studies, to support the following:

  • Enhanced energy
  • Improved athletic and workout performance
  • Better mental clarity
  • Improved cognitive functioning
  • Improved digestion
  • A slowdown of the aging process


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A Change in the Way You Eat

The keto diet, in general, is not a fad. People have been following Keto eating plans as far back as the 1920s. Instead, the keto diet is a lifestyle change – one where you are focused on healthy eating and following an ongoing exercise routine.

If you have been following various diets without success, you can change your life by following the keto diet. A keto diet plan has transformed the lives of many people, as it has made it possible for them to break the endless cycle of trying one diet and moving on to the next. 

One way the keto diet does this is by helping people break their cravings. That is because the diet cuts out dietary sugars and supplies the body with good fat – all which keeps people satisfied.

Keto Diets You Can Review Online

If you want to begin a sample 30-day meal plan, you can initiate yourself with the keto diet online. You can also find several ketogenic diet plans on Amazon.com, any of which can be followed by beginners.

The Basic Four Types of Ketogenic Diets

Basically, you can follow a keto diet by selecting one of four basic approaches.

These approaches follow:

  • The standard ketogenic diet (SKD) – for fat loss and health
  • The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) – for better workout performance
  • The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) – for bodybuilding and athletics
  • The high protein ketogenic diet (HPKD) –  for anyone with high protein needs

The Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD)

The TKD version of the ketogenic diet is for people who wish to obtain additional energy for working out. When following this plan, you consume 20 to 50 or fewer grams of net carbs daily – usually 30 minutes to 60 minutes before working out. Therefore, this form of the ketogenic diet is specifically targeted for workout energy.

The carbs used for TKD workouts are easily digestible – carbs that contain a high glycemic index. Therefore, you need to select foods that are high in glucose and low in fructose. Fructose replenishes the glycogen in the liver instead of the glycogen in the muscles – something that a ketogenic diet tries to avoid.

The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)

The CKD version of the ketogenic diet is made specifically for athletes or bodybuilders who understand the basic principles of the SKD version. The CKD diet plan advocates that you consume a low carb diet of 20 to 50 grams of net carbs per day – five to six days per week. You follow this plan by eating a higher-carb diet for one or two days before recycling. If you absolutely must have additional carbs, this is the ketogenic diet for you.

The High Protein Ketogenic Diet (HPKD)

The high-protein version of the ketogenic diet is similar to the SKD version. The only difference is the amount of protein that is consumed. Instead of consuming 70% fats, 25% protein, and 5% carbs, you eat, instead, 60% fats, 35% protein, and 5% carbs. Therefore, you make a minor adjustment in the protein consumption. Just make sure you keep the protein level at around 35%. Eating too much protein can hamper ketosis, and therefore can keep you from reaching your dietary goals.

How to Begin the Process

When beginning a ketogenic diet, it is best to begin with the SKD version. By choosing this ketogenic diet, you can get introduced to keto and adjust it as you go along, to your diet and exercise needs. 

Anyone who follows the standard version aspires to lose weight and fat. Therefore, when following a ketogenic diet, it is imperative that you calculate your macronutrients. Based on the SKD version, the macronutrients in a keto diet plan are represented by 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs.

Keto Oils and Fats

Some of the best fats and oils to consume in a keto meal plan include the following:

  • Butter or oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • Coconut oil
  • Coconut butter
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Olive oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Walnut oil
  •  MCT powder or oil

Knowing what fats can be consumed is important, as good fats make it possible to stay satisfied and stay healthy.

MCT Oil and MCT Oil Powder

MCT is short for medium-chain triglycerides. If you follow a low-carb keto diet, this powder or oil is an essential part of your nutritional intake. Normally, it is best to choose an MCT powder for a supplement rather than MCT oil. That is because you can use the powder as a source of dietary fat in protein shakes. Make sure the powder is low in sugar, or that maltodextrin is absent. Otherwise, you are defeating the purpose of consuming it.

The powder is frequently preferred by consumers as it mixes easily, and therefore does not float on top of a beverage. Also, the powder is easier to tolerate than the oil. The oil can cause an upset stomach in some people.

Many people use MCT in their morning coffee, in protein shakes, or mix it with certain foods, such as baked recipes, soups, or sauces. You can also mix the powder with BCAA (branched-chain amino acid) supplements when working out. The powder will give you a boost in mental and physical energy – one that will last throughout your exercise routine.

Where You Can Buy MCT Powder or MCT Oil?

You can buy MCT powder on Amazon.com in various brands. You have plenty of products to check out, so make sure they are pure and do not contain unhealthy additives, such as the above-mentioned sugar.

Keto Nuts and Seeds

Among nuts and seeds, keto preferred foods include the following fat-friendly choices:

  1. Almond butter without salt
  2. Almonds
  3. Almond meal four
  4. Brazil nuts
  5. Cashews
  • Cashew butter without salt
  • Hazelnuts
  • Peanuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Pecans

The above nuts and seeds make it possible to enjoy lower cholesterol levels and an increased fiber intake – the ultimate selections for people looking for heart-friendly foods.

Keto Dairy and Protein Foods

Keto dairy products include various cheeses as well as cottage cheese and sour cream. Suggested proteins support the consumption of fatter cuts of beef, such as steak or ground beef, chicken, turkey, and pork, such as ham, bacon, or tenderloin. Fish that is eaten include tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, and cod. Shellfish and organ meats, such as liver, are also consumed. You can also eat eggs – fried, scrambled, boiled, or deviled. Just make sure you use the whole egg.

Keto Suggested Carbs – Greens and Veggies

Among carbs, you can eat a number of raw or green veggies, including alfalfa sprouts, artichoke hearts, broccoli florets, cabbage, cauliflower florets, celery, cucumbers, endives, and escarole. Other veggies include radishes, red bell peppers, black olives, mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, and tomatoes. Cooked vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, leeks, and dandelion greens.

In Summary

While planning meals is an essential ingredient in any keto diet, keto diet meals are unlike other diets in that meals are filling and the food can be delicious.

While you it may require the sacrifice of some certain foods, the lack of hunger after meals reduces the desire to break the diet. As a result, the success rate is higher, and as outlined the health benefits of diet are worth the small amount effort planning meals will take.